Relatively Prime Seminar: Funding We are back with a new series in Relatively Prime that we are going to be calling Seminars! The seminars are going to be going out into the…
Carry the Two: Mathematics & Voting Sorry for the unannounced hiatus that has now lasted for four years, but our host and producer Sam Hansen has had a lot of life events and changes…
#BlackInMathWeek On this episode of Relatively Prime, Michole Enjoli and Noelle Sawyer take over for Black in Math Week. They talk to Brea Ratliff and José Vilson, two Black…
Black Girl Mathgic On this episode of Relatively Prime Samuel is joined by Brittany Rhodes the creator of the amazing monthly mathematics subscription box Black Girl Mathgic. They discuss where the…
The Somervilles On this episode of Relatively Prime Samuel is joined by Brigitte Stenhouse of the Open University to talk about the life and times of Mary, and William, Somerville.…
3 Scenes from the Life of Benjamin Banneker On this month’s Relatively Prime Samuel shares three scenes from the life of Benjamin Banneker. One about a clock, one about a solar eclipse projectsion, and one about…
Truthiness In this live episode recorded at the 2020 Joint Mathematics Meetings in Denver Samuel Hansen talks about the truth behind the stories we all tell in mathematics. In…
2019 Year End Review To wrap up the year 2019 Samuel Hansen is joined by Katie Steckles and Christian Lawson-Perfect of to discuss some of the big stories from the world…