Math Off Round 2: Quaternions Sadly Samuel did not make it to the second round of The Aperiodical’s Big Internet Math Off, but lucky for y’all in a fit of profound arrogance, as…
Math Off Round 1: Why Your Friends Have More Friends than You Do It is time for you to vote for Samuel in the first round of the 1st ever Big Internet Math Off! In the first round Samuel is…
Girls Talk Math On this month’s episode of Relatively Prime we are excited to bring to you the story of Girls Talk Math. Girls Talk Math is a 2 week mathematics…
The Right Bucket This month’s Relatively Prime is all about classification. Samuel is joined by Fabian Müller of zbMath for a discussion of the Mathematics Subject Classification, the benefit of using…
Diegetic Plots: Chapter 3 In this chapter of Diegetic Plots on Relatively Prime Larry Lesser shares the poem “The M Word” and there is a very unfortunate customer service call at Kroneckea.…
Formulaic Perfection We are happy to bring to you a special holiday episode of Relatively Prime during this festive period. Samuel is joined by old pals Katie, Peter, and Christian…
Cold and Flu It is that time of year where you, and everyone else, is coughing and sniffling and sneezing and generally getting gross germs all over the place. That…
Knotty Helix Sure DNA is important, some might even claim it is absolutely integral to life itself, but does it contain any interesting math? Samuel is joined by UC-Davis Professor…